University Collaboration
The Dordt University Restoration Ecology class, led by Dr. Robb DeHaan, has created several land management plans for public and private properties in the watershed.
Students of this class attend the winter LSWCP meeting where partners suggest different projects for the students to consider. There are no guarantees that students will pick a project in the Little Sioux Watershed; however, the last 3 classes have all chosen to work in our unique landscape. Recent plans: donahoo_restoration_plan.pdf buena_vista_county_park_restoration_plan.pdf |
Oxbow Surveys
We have begun surveying off channel habitat, such as oxbows and river/stream bottom wetlands, to see what aquatic animals use these habitats. These usually short-lived wetlands are important breeding areas and nurseries for many fish, frogs, crayfish, and other creatures.
Fish species found: fish_species_2018.pdf |